Thu, 2 May 2024
In this episode: Why Personal Fitness is NOT Athletic Competition, plus Brandy's Half-Marathon Story! Mike discusses why "Personal "Fitness" is often confused with "Competitive Athletics" and how this mindset may be ruining your progress. He further details how his wife, Brandy, reclaimed autonomy over her own personal fitness routine and after "almost dying" was able to turn it all around with these important tips. 🫵 SUMMER SHREDDED COACHING CLUB: 🔥 WORK WITH MIKE! 1-on-1 Coaching Spots: 🥊 Join Mike's FREE Newsletter here: 🔥 “3 WEEKS TO SHREDDED” and “LIVING LEAN” plan! SAVE 20% with promo code “MIKEDOLCESHOW” only at ☕️ DOLCE COFFEE ROASTERS at +Save 10% on a 3 BAG BUNDLE 🥩 Sponsor: CERTIFIED PIEDMONTESE Beef Company: Save 25% on the same grass-fed / grass-finished beef I trust to feed my family. plus free 2-day shipping on orders over $99!!! Use promo code "DOLCE" at: WHO IS MIKE DOLCE? -Mike Dolce is the 4-Time World MMA Trainer of The Year and a #1 bestselling author in the health and weight loss fields. -Widely recognized as " of the most sought after coaches in all of professional sports." (-Sports Illustrated ) and inducted in the Martial Arts Hall of Fame, Dolce has earned the respect of his peers, as well as his clients. -Mike continues to work 1-on-1 with private clients (VIP Elite) and in larger groups by providing personalized, online diet and exercise programs at -Dolce hosts an iTunes Top 10 rated podcast, The Mike Dolce Show, and travels the world speaking on the benefits of health, fitness, and financial prosperity. -When asked of his proudest accomplishments, Mike will always reply, "I am most proud of being a "2x Girl Dad" to my daughters Arden and Victoria, as well as being happily married to Brandy, the girl of my dreams, for the past 23 years and counting. -Dolce splits his time between Las Vegas, Nevada, and Monmouth County, New Jersey. *THIS VIDEO IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. CONSULT WITH A DOCTOR BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY DIET OR EXERCISE PROGRAMS. *THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. CONSULT WITH A CERTIFIED TAX PROFESSIONAL AND DULY LICENSED FINANCIAL PLANNER BEFORE MAKING ANY DECISION ABOUT PERSONAL FINANCE. *THIS VIDEO IS AN EDITORIAL ON A WIDELY REPORTED WORLD NEWS EVENT. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED ARE OPINION ONLY AND ALL COMMENTS ARE ALLEGED BASED UPON THE CURRENT DETAILS AT THE TIME OF RECORDING." |