The Mike Dolce Show


Mike Dolce is a 4X World MMA Awards Trainer of the Year, NJ Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee and was named a Men’s Fitness Top 30 Fitness Game Changer. As the founder of The Dolce Diet and creator of UFC FIT, Mike Dolce is known the world over for his work managing the incredible weight cuts of top UFC athletes.

His #1 international best-selling books include The Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded, The Dolce Diet: Living Lean and The Dolce Diet: Living Lean Cookbook. For more information, visit and

Listen to the latest Mike Dolce Show fitness and lifestyle podcast and get motivated and inspired!

Direct download: Ep._193_Why_Im_Here.mp3
Category:The Mike Dolce Show -- posted at: 1:14pm PST


Head Dolce Dietitian Meg Forde joins Mike on this episode.
Mike Dolce is a 4X World MMA Awards Trainer of the Year, NJ Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee and was named a Men’s Fitness Top 30 Fitness Game Changer. As the founder of The Dolce Diet and creator of UFC FIT, Mike Dolce is known the world over for his work managing the incredible weight cuts of top UFC athletes.

His #1 international best-selling books include The Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded, The Dolce Diet: Living Lean and The Dolce Diet: Living Lean Cookbook. For more information, visit and

Listen to the latest Mike Dolce Show fitness and lifestyle podcast and get motivated and inspired!

Direct download: Ep._192_Meg_Forde.mp3
Category:The Mike Dolce Show -- posted at: 10:21am PST


Brandy joins Mike in studio. Mike Dolce is a 4X World MMA Awards Trainer of the Year, NJ Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee and was named a Men’s Fitness Top 30 Fitness Game Changer. As the founder of The Dolce Diet and creator of UFC FIT, Mike Dolce is known the world over for his work managing the incredible weight cuts of top UFC athletes.

His #1 international best-selling books include The Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded, The Dolce Diet: Living Lean and The Dolce Diet: Living Lean Cookbook. For more information, visit and

Listen to the latest Mike Dolce Show fitness and lifestyle podcast and get motivated and inspired!

Direct download: Ep._191_Brandy-New_Week.mp3
Category:The Mike Dolce Show -- posted at: 12:47pm PST

Bikini Competitor Nicole Rogers joins Mike on this episode of The Mike Dolce Show.

Mike Dolce is a 4X World MMA Awards Trainer of the Year, NJ Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee and was named a Men’s Fitness Top 30 Fitness Game Changer. As the founder of The Dolce Diet and creator of UFC FIT, Mike Dolce is known the world over for his work managing the incredible weight cuts of top UFC athletes.

His #1 international best-selling books include The Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded, The Dolce Diet: Living Lean and The Dolce Diet: Living Lean Cookbook. For more information, visit and

Listen to the latest Mike Dolce Show fitness and lifestyle podcast and get motivated and inspired!

Direct download: Ep._190_Nicole_Rogers.mp3
Category:The Mike Dolce Show -- posted at: 12:12pm PST


Mike Dolce is a 4X World MMA Awards Trainer of the Year, NJ Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inductee and was named a Men’s Fitness Top 30 Fitness Game Changer. As the founder of The Dolce Diet and creator of UFC FIT, Mike Dolce is known the world over for his work managing the incredible weight cuts of top UFC athletes.

His #1 international best-selling books include The Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded, The Dolce Diet: Living Lean and The Dolce Diet: Living Lean Cookbook. For more information, visit and

Listen to the latest Mike Dolce Show fitness and lifestyle podcast and get motivated and inspired!

Direct download: Ep._189_1000_Voices.mp3
Category:The Mike Dolce Show -- posted at: 10:01am PST